Feeling bullish
Ticker Price EPS08 EPS09 Div Book PE DELL $15.21 $1.44 $1.65 $0.00 $1.44 11 Q $2.74 $0.41 $0.43 $0.32 $0.29 7 MSFT $25.50 $2.12 $2.39 $0.52 $3.96 12 ADSK $27.77 $2.28 $2.61 $0.00 $5.60 12 BMC $27.31 $2.14 $2.41 $0.00 $5.14 13 NOK $17.12 $2.22 $2.22 $0.78 $4.29 8 IBM $92.21 $8.73 $9.42 $2.00 $20.86 11 XOM $73.08 $9.00 $8.96 $1.60 $24.03 8 CHK $20.20 $3.81 $3.93 $0.30 $17.58 5
The above are some current stocks that look good to me on a fundamental basis. Look at those P/Es -- nice and low at long last. The market crash has perhaps created some bargains. Another bargain may be the electricity producer RRI, which is selling well under book value - and we're going to go on using electricity I'm pretty sure. Also the railroad BNI. Railroads use much less energy to move things than trucks, and so with ongoing high energy prices they may be a good bet. So far my favorite is IBM, no longer really a computer company but more a business services company, with customers worldwide, a real blue chip.